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It would later become Oklahoma. We ought to go there because the earth is rocky and sterile. And the white man won't be able to farm there, and they'll lastly leave us alone. So the Osage bought this land. lands of murders film. It's about the size of Delaware. They transplanted there. By that time, there were just a couple of thousand left.
Many of them were starving. And after that it turned out that lo and behold, this land was sitting upon some of the largest deposits of oil then in the United States. DAVIES: Right. And a fascinating little minute is that they send out a lawyer, John Palmer, to Washington as they're negotiating this plan with the U.S., and he gets something.

So the Osage People was set aside. And what set aside indicated - this happened to lots of American people in that duration - where the federal government was forcing them to separate the bookings, separate their communal way of living, turn them into, quote, unquote, "private property owners." Naturally, this was a simpler method for settlers - white inhabitants - to get their land.
Lands Of Murders (2020) ? de Adeline Picault (2019) - MoviesCraz
government. And they had very ... DAVIES: Since they 'd bought it. It wasn't simply a booking offered to them, right? Yeah. GRANN: Exactly. They purchased it. They had a deed to it. And they had very shrewd mediators, including this guy Palmer who was explained by one U.S. senator as the most eloquent Indian alive at that duration.
And at that time, the Osage had some hint that there was some oil, however no one believed they were sitting upon a fortune. And they were able to hold on to this last little their territory which they could not even see. DAVIES: So each of the Osage families that owned a plot of land had what was called a headright, which implies what? GRANN: So - yeah.
And each one of them got a headright. And what a headright was essentially a share in the mineral trust. The Osage wanted to make sure that they maintained all the subsurface area together. And so what they did is they offered everyone a headright. And you might not offer or buy a headright. At first it was for perhaps $100, and then it grew to 1,000 - lands of murders. But then it continually grew. And by the 1920s, the Osage jointly had built up millions and countless dollars. In 1923 alone, the Osage received what today would deserve more than $400 million. They had ended up being the most affluent individuals per capita in the world.
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How did whites in Oklahoma react to seeing Native Americans with all that money? GRANN: The public, the whites, not just in Oklahoma, however across the United States, were transfixed by the Osage wealth which belied images of Native Americans that could be traced back to the first ruthless contact with whites.

It was stated at the time whereas as one American might own a cars and truck, each Osage owned 11 cars and trucks. The press described them as, quote, unquote, "the red millionaires and the plutocratic Osage." There was a lot of both envy and bias and ultimately outrage. And eventually, the whites searched for methods to get their own hands upon this money.

Weren't they? GRANN: Yes, not just Osage ladies, all Osage - or all full-blooded Osage. So the federal government in - really looking back, just an outrageous system - decided somehow that the Osage were not capable of handling their money. Now, you have to remember this in the 1920s, and the duration of Excellent Gatsby.
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And yet members of the United States Congress would being in these mahogany-paneled committee spaces and literally debate as if the country's security was at stake, scapegoating the Osage about their wealth. And they imposed restrictions. They literally enforced a system where guardians - white guardians - were placed in charge of managing how the Osage invested their money.
If you were a full-blooded Osage, you were deemed, quote, unquote, "incompetent" and given a guardian who supervise your wealth. DAVIES: OK. That stated, there was a lot of wealth controlled by the Osage. Did intermarriage among the Osage tribe and whites increase as this happened? GRANN: Definitely. By the early 20th century, due to the fact that of this kind of clash of cultural forces, a lot of whites were coming into the area because of the well, a lot of oil employees and oil males.