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( SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) DAVIES: This is FRESH AIR. And if you're just joining us, we're speaking with David Grann. He's a personnel writer for The New Yorker, and he has a brand-new book about a series of criminal activities in the 1920s against members of the Osage Native American Country in Oklahoma.
Who would investigate this type of murder at the time? GRANN: There was an excellent offer of lawlessness then in the United States, and particularly in this region, which was actually the last residue of the Wild West or the frontier. So you had a local lawman. You 'd have a constable.
It was very easy for the powerful to buy the law, to tilt the scales of justice. Mollie Burkhart obviously advocated justice, crusaded for justice, but the white authorities truly not did anything at an early stage - or extremely little. Partially that was because the victims were Native Americans. There was a huge amount of prejudice.
But there was also a good deal of corruption. So it was very tough to know who to turn to, who you could trust, who would stop these criminal activities, who would genuinely examine them. DAVIES: Now, you used the word victims - plural. Anna Brown was not the only Osage who passed away under suspicious situations.
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GRANN: So not only was Anna Brown killed, not long after Anna died, Mollie Burkhart's mother, who was kind of one of the last of the Osage senior citizens who still practiced numerous of the old customs, became inexplicably ill. Her body seemed to wither and become more insubstantial every day.
And within two months, she was dead. And proof later emerged that she had actually been poisoned. So within just 2 months, Mollie Burkhart had actually lost her sister to a gunshot, her mom to poisoning. And not long after that, Mollie had another sibling, a woman named Rita Smith who resided in a home nearby from Mollie.
It has to do with 3 in the early morning. Mollie Burkhart heard it. She got up, and she went to her window. And she looked down in the instructions of where her sibling's home had stood, and she could see a large, orange fire rising into the sky. It literally looked as if the sun had burst into the night.

Someone had actually planted a bomb under your home, killing everybody in it, including Mollie's sibling Rita, including her - Rita's spouse and a white servant who lived in your house. These are simply the murders we're speaking about now in Mollie Burkhart's family. There were other murders taking place throughout the neighborhood, other Osage being targeted.
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GRANN: Yeah. Yeah, so there were many shootings. Henry Roan was another Osage who was discovered in his automobile shot in the back of his head. One of the most common methods of murder and of eliminating the Osage was poison because of the absence of training. Despite the fact that researchers understood toxicologies for toxin, the regional authorities forces didn't.
There was one champion steer-roper Osage who got a call one night. He headed out of his house. He came back and suddenly collapsed, frothing, his entire body shaking. Somebody had slipped him what was believed to be strychnine, which is just a dreadful poison. It makes your entire body shake as if with electricity.
So this was just one of the lots of methods of targeting the Osage in these very organized and ruthless methods. DAVIES: Was this reported in the regional press? GRANN: There was certainly in your area some coverage (bay of islands murders). It had actually not yet gotten much national protection. But there was still an excellent indifference since the victims were Osage, were Native Americans.
DAVIES: Mollie Burkhart and loved ones of the other victims would turn to private detectives. There are some real characters among them. You inform some remarkable stories about that. GRANN: Yeah. So one of the things that occurred back then due to the fact that - you understand, we consider ourself as a nation of laws, however these organizations back in the '20s in the United States were very delicate.
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And since of that, justice was often privatized, that if you had cash and resources, you had to rely on personal detectives. So Mollie - who had a huge quantity of courage since, by crusading for justice, she was putting a bull's eye right upon herself, but she did - kinds of murders. And she provided benefits, and she employed a team of personal detectives.
Frequently they had criminal backgrounds. They were also typically prone to corruption. And you frequently didn't quite know who they were working for, who they were dripping to. Simply to provide an example, the governor of Oklahoma eventually sent in his leading state investigator, a guy named - his middle name was Fox, which constantly appeared proper - what kinds of murders are there.