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This theory is based upon the physiology of Rapid Eye Movement sleep, and Hobson thinks dreams are the result of the forebrain responding to random activity starting at the brainstem. The activation-synthesis theory assumes that the peculiar nature of dreams is credited to specific parts of the brain trying to piece together a story out of what is basically strange info.
Some evolutionary psychologists believe dreams serve some adaptive function for survival. Deirdre Barrett explains dreaming as merely "thinking in different biochemical state" and thinks people continue to work on all the same problemspersonal and objectivein that state. Her research finds that anythingmath, musical structure, organisation dilemmasmay get solved throughout dreaming.
According to the Danger Simulation Theory he proposes, throughout much of human advancement physical and social hazards were major, offering reproductive benefit to those who survived them. Therefore, dreaming progressed to duplicate these risks and constantly practice dealing with them. In support of this theory, Revonsuo shows that modern dreams consist of far more threatening events than people satisfy in everyday non-dream life, and the dreamer generally engages properly with them.

According to Tsoukalas (2012) the biology of dreaming is associated with the reactive patterns generated by predatorial encounters (particularly the tonic immobility reflex), a truth that provides support to evolutionary theories claiming that dreams specialize in risk avoidance or psychological processing. There are many other hypotheses about the function of dreams, consisting of: Dreams permit the repressed parts of the mind to be pleased through fantasy while keeping the mindful mind from thoughts that would all of a sudden trigger one to awaken from shock.
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Dreams control mood. Hartmann says dreams might function like psychotherapy, by "making connections in a safe place" and allowing the dreamer to incorporate ideas that might be dissociated during waking life. LaBerge and DeGracia have suggested that dreams might work, in part, to recombine unconscious components within awareness on a momentary basis by a procedure they describe "mental recombination", in example with genetic recombination of DNA.
An artist's rendering of a dream. From the 1940s to 1985, Calvin S. Hall gathered more than 50,000 dream reports at Western Reserve University. In 1966 Hall and Van De Castle published The Content Analysis of Dreams, in which they detailed a coding system to study 1,000 dream reports from college trainees.
Hall's total dream reports were made openly offered in the mid-1990s by Hall's protg William Domhoff. The visual nature of dreams is normally highly phantasmagoric; that is, various areas and things constantly mix into each other (dreams bazzi). The visuals (consisting of locations, characters/people, objects/artifacts) are generally reflective of an individual's memories and experiences, but discussion can handle extremely overstated and strange kinds.
People who are blind from birth do not have visual dreams. Their dream contents relate to other senses like hearing, touch, odor and taste, whichever are present since birth. In the Hall research study, the most typical emotion experienced in dreams was anxiety (dreams and nightmares). Other feelings consisted of abandonment, anger, fear, happiness, and happiness.
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A small minority of people state that they dream just in black and white. [] A 2008 study by a researcher at the University of Dundee found that individuals who were just exposed to black-and-white tv and film in childhood reported dreaming in black and white about 25% of the time.
For example, some individuals with synesthesia have actually never reported completely black-and-white dreaming, and typically have a difficult time imagining the concept of dreaming in only black and white. An artist's painting of a dream. Dream analysis can be a result of subjective concepts and experiences. One study found that many people believe that "their dreams expose significant hidden realities".
This Freudian view of dreaming was thought by the mostly non-scientific public substantially more than theories of dreaming that quality dream material to memory combination, analytical, or random brain activity. In the paper, Morewedge and Norton (2009) likewise discovered that individuals associate more significance to dream material than to comparable idea content that occurs while they are awake.
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