Regardez Canción Sin Nombre COMPLET - Diffusez à tout moment et en tout lieu

Comme dans beaucoup de movies noirs, tout n' a pas forcment de sens, et il dpeint ce monde et ce qui s' y droule plutt que d'expliquer l'histoire la manire d'une enqute journalistique (nombre cancion sin bandera). C'est un patant premier film et un prtendant solide la Camra d'Or. Cancin sin nombre a t produit par La Vida Misma Movies (Prou), en coproduction avec La Mula Producciones (Prou), MGC (Espagne) et Bord Cadre Movies (Suisse), avec Torch Films (tats-Unis) comme producteur associ.
In a run down clinic, a newborn kid is blended far from her exhausted mom, supposedly for regular medical examination, and is never returned; in brief order, the clinic disappears into thin air too, leaving the taken infant's bewildered, impoverished moms and dads with no recourse. The property of "Song Without a Name" is at when fact-based and the stuff of shadowed, surreal problems, and Peruvian writer-director Melina Len's artfully impacting debut function splits the distinction: Earthy with social detail from a despairing period of Peru's current history, it's likewise shot, scored and styled like the most lovely of bad dreams.
However Len's much more decently scaled Latin American duration piece is entirely its own movie, fitting together vrit-style method with passages of dark, folkloric reverie, as its characters' investigation of a single kidnapping spirals into a heady vortex of institutional corruption. From a narrative point of view, this "Song" misses a number of notes, with a few too numerous hairs left, well, stranded in melancholy limbo.
Démarrer le streaming Canción Sin Nombre - Démarrer le streaming sur: l'application HBO GO
While the film is set in 1988, midway through the very first of questionable populist Alan Garcia's 2 non-consecutive terms as Peru's president, the events it fictionalizes date from earlier in the years: Len's lean screenplay, co-written with Michael J (canción sin nombre). White, draws specific motivation from a child trafficking case revealed by her reporter daddy Ismael, to whom the film is dedicated.
In one sense, the movie's accurate duration context is nearly moot, given how efficiently d.p. Inti Briones and production designer Gisella Ramrez develop a rural Peru of sporadic, misted statelessness in tight, secretive Academy ratio, to boot. Our protagonist Georgina (Pamela Mendoza) can rarely be stated to live in a different way in 1988 than she would have done a number of years prior to: A destitute Quecha villager from the outer limits of Lima, she scrapes together a living selling potatoes at the regional market and shares a skeletal wood hut with her likewise worked-to-the-bone other half Leo (Lucio Rojas).
As Georgina delivers the kid, the cam stays carefully fixed on her hurt face: Neither we nor she ever see the child girl that is gotten of her, and by the time she's brusquely informed to leave her bed for the next client, it's nearly as if she never ever delivered at all.
Regarder des films tendance: Canción Sin Nombre: Regarder légal - Alliance pour la créativité et le divertissement
Authorities are indifferent to Georgina and Leo's tale of concern, sending them rather on an useless path of departments and documents; in desperation, Georgina turns up at the office of the nationwide paper, finally finding a sympathizer in shy young reporter Pedro (Tommy Prraga), who's promptly set on the case.
As Georgina's angst simmers in the background, Pedro's examination takes its own spooky, circuitous shaggy-dog course, while we likewise follow the closeted, unreadable journo's blossoming love with hot taking a trip thesp Isa (Maykol Hernndez) the least industrialized and incorporated of the movie's subplots, this however establishes the otherwise different Pedro and Georgina as kindred spirits of sorts in a country politically hostile to minorities.
Stress of Andean charango combine with the more contemporary ambient textures of Pauchi Sasaki's score, while Briones' images is a consistent marvel, whether finding the poetry in hailstones bouncing off asphalt or silhouetting Georgina's everyday, mountainous commute in long shot, like storm-blown frames of shadow theater. Yet her struggles are never daintily aestheticized; brief however stately, "Tune Without a Name" dreams and dramatizes historical disaster with an ideal sense of sorrow.
Télécharger le film: Canción Sin Nombre (2020): Watch Legal - Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment
Slection officielle Quinzaine des Ralisateurs, Cannes 2019 - Reference spciale du jury au Celebration Biarritz Amrique Latine 2019 est un premier film pruvien d'une incroyable matrise. S'appuyant sur un fait divers survenu au Prou dans les annes 1980, Mlina Len fulfilled en image un pan dreadful de l'histoire de child pays.
Du ct argentin, l'avait brillamment expos. Mlina Len s' est empare du sujet dans boy pays automobile boy pre (le film lui est ddi) travaillait l'poque put La Repblica, un journal pruvien ayant dvoil l'existence d'un rseau de trafic d'enfants vols et permis son dmantlement. S'ouvrant sur des posts de journaux de l'poque, le film est un hommage au travail de la presse dans un pays au contexte politique trs troubl comme le Prou.